Common Types of Behavioral Therapy

Common Types of Behavioral Therapy

Autism is a complex disorder that affects a person’s behavior, communication, and social interaction. It presents itself differently in each person, with its symptoms ranging from mild to severe. While there’s no cure for autism, behavioral therapy has been shown to be effective in managing some of its symptoms. Understanding the types of behavioral therapy…


Anxiety in Autism Spectrum Disorder

Anxiety is a common issue for many people, regardless of whether or not they have autism spectrum disorder (ASD). However, children with ASD may experience anxiety differently than those without. It is important to understand the signs and symptoms of anxiety in order to better help your child manage it. Whether they’re experiencing social anxiety…

doctor explains facts about autism

Facts About Autism

When an individual receives a diagnosis for autism spectrum disorder, that means they are experiencing two types of unusual behavior. These behaviors include communication and social skill deficits and repetitive or restrictive behaviors. After receiving a diagnosis, children benefit from participating in an autism spectrum disorder treatment program. That way, they can receive the early…

child participates in early intervention for autism program

Early Intervention for Autism

According to research studies, when there are early diagnosis and intervention for children with autism, that shows significant long-term benefits. It is not uncommon for children under the age of two to receive an autism spectrum disorder diagnosis. The main reason is that a child’s development seems normal until around the age of two when…

child participates in ABA therapy program at school

ABA Therapy in Schools

Schools must provide services for children on the autism spectrum, including ABA therapy in schools. When children participate in an autism spectrum disorder treatment program, this means that students have access to interventions that are founded on applied behavior analysis (ABA) principles. When students receive early and intensive intervention lasting between 25 to 40 hours…

doctor explains what is aba therapy to patien

What is ABA Therapy?

What is ABA therapy? Applied behavior analysis – or ABA for short – is often considered to be the “gold standard” of autism spectrum disorder treatment programs. This therapy seeks to help autistic children improve social, developmental, and learning skills through positive reinforcement. It also helps medical professionals understand how behavior works and how it…