For those who are learning more about, “what is the Autism CARES Act,” the definition starts with the word, “cares.” It is an acronym for Collaboration, Accountability, Research, Education, and Support. Starting in 2019, the Autism CARES Act expands on the provisions available in the Combating Autism Act of 2006. The legislation outlining these new provisions also expands and reauthorizes the Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee (IACC). This act also ensures that people can find an autism treatment center that is not only inclusive but available in a broad range of settings.
Outlining What is the Autism CARES Act
President George W. Bush signed the Combating Autism Act into law during 2006 in response to the dramatic rise in numbers of people receiving an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) diagnosis. Due to the growing needs of these individuals and their families, this law increased funding available to the Department of Health and Human Services.
We learn from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that nearly one out of every 58 children receive an ASD diagnosis. The reauthorization of this act is critical because, historically, autism research has been underfunded. The research that is possible through this legislation helps doctors understand why there is a higher prevalence of autism.
Information for Families
Answering the question, “what is the Autism CARES Act,” is more than picking apart the acronym and understanding the legislation. It also includes information for families regarding finding treatment programs like ABA therapy programs as well as building an understanding of how the act affects families. Here are some examples:
Funds are available for cutting-edge research: In addition to funding for biomedical research grants, this act also sustains funds that support research to develop an enhanced treatment program.
Activities and programs leading to high-quality services: The majority of the research under this act’s goal is working toward improvements to the quality of life for those with an autism spectrum disorder diagnosis.
Availability of lifetime support: There are instances where, in the past, people received a misdiagnosis or were overlooked. This act works to remedy that by providing support throughout the lifetime of those who have autism.
Team strengthening: Under this legislation, more team members are added to the IACC. That way, their experience, and expertise can help advocate for the community through personal perspectives.
Understanding the Importance of the Autism CARES Act
Another facet of understanding “what is the Autism CARES Act” includes knowing why it is important. It is because of this act that children as young as between 18 and 24 months receive diagnoses. That is important because, when children receive a diagnosis when they are young, it is possible to start early interventions. These types of early interventions help make a significant difference throughout the lifetime of those who have autism.
The research conducted under this act also helps researchers understand more about co-morbidities. When co-morbidities occur, that is when there are two chronic conditions or diseases present. This act also helps researchers have a better understanding of potential biological causes for autism. As a result of those findings, therapists can create a targeted intervention for autism.
About Joining the Effort
If you want to take steps toward joining the effort, you can start by conducting additional information focused on the question, “what is the Autism CARES Act.” You can also visit the Autism Speaks website to become an ambassador or learn more ways to become an advocate.
Final Thoughts
If you have more questions about “what is the Autism CARES Act,” now is the time to reach out to receive the answers you need. This reality is especially true if you are in search of the best autism therapy programs. Contact your local specialist to learn more about your options and ways you can find help.